
Resource Scheme


Yelarbon State School operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) to assist parents in the provision of some resources. The Student Resource Scheme has been implemented in this school to ensure that all students have the necessary resources to support their educational requirements. It is also intended as a convenience to parents/caregivers to provide a more economical option to purchasing new textbooks, resources and stationery each year.

The Student resource scheme operates under the policy and guidelines of the Queensland Department of Education. The Yelarbon State School Parents and Citizens' Association supports and authorises the Student resource scheme.

A breakup of resources required for individual students is available below.

How do I participate in the Scheme?

Parents wishing to take advantage of the resources and services provided by the scheme sign a Partcipation Agreement Form and pay an annual flat fee. Parents experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the school office to discuss a range payment options that are available.

What happens if my student transfers mid-year?

Students transferring to another school during the year will receive a pro-rata refund of the Student Resource Scheme fees paid. Students transferring in to the school will be invoiced on a pro-rata basis. To ensure consistency among schools, the pro-rata refunds and payments are based on a 40-week school year.

Yelarbon State School strongly recommends parents take the opportunity to participate in the school's SRS.

2024 Student Resource Schemes

Please see the below documents for more information around Yelarbon State School's Student Resoruce Scheme:

SRS 2024 Parent Information Letter.DOCX

SRS Partcipation Agreement Form.pdf

Prep Student Resource List.docx

Year One Student Resource List.docx

Year Two Student Resource List.docx

Year Three Student Resource List.docx

Year Four Student Resource List.docx

Year Five Student Resource List.docx

Year Six Student Resource List.docx

Last reviewed 21 May 2024
Last updated 21 May 2024